Drum Roll Please


With registration just around the corner we have been crossing items off the list of the tasks to be completed before that happens. We have an important announcement to make that goes far beyond our registration, and far beyond even this race. I’ve been back and forth on how to open here… we are pleased to announce… we are excited to announce… we are honoured to announce… none of those fit. None of those are the right word, I don’t even know of there is a word for this feeling. It is with our entire hearts, hearts full of love, hearts full of grief, hearts full of hope, that we present to you HeadUpGuys.

This organization is bringing healing and help to the hearts of men. This group has an array of resources that men can use to help themselves, to educate themselves, gives them tools to heal both before their depression can take them to a crisis event, and during those dark and intense moments of crisis. What I love about them is that while empowering men and encouraging them to address their mental health, it also allows them to keep their anonymity, which makes it more likely for them to utilize the resources provided. The stress tests, self checks, self guided courses, therapist directory, and over 100 stories of men sharing their recovery stories, opening up the conversation that is so important for all of us to start having in this silent epidemic, they have been able to achieve remarkable engagement since lunching in 2015:

1. Over 4,000,000 website visits from all around the world (US, UK, Canada, Ireland, Australia, New Zealand, Philippines, India, Pakistan)

2. 50,000+ visits per month

3. 1.5 million engagements and 25 million people reached through ongoing social media promotions and campaigns

4. More than 500,000 depression screens completed

5. Over 1,000 therapists included in the Therapist Directory

6. 30,000 followers on social media

7. Over 100 media features

8. Over 100 sites linking to them as a formal resource

And they have numerous other features and programs that they would like to develop and provide to our cherished men that need it. And we at Chad’s Day for Change want to help make this happen.

This is the group we will be raising money for with our event this year and this is the name that will be on our shirts, swag, on our page, on our sites, at our event, and we want to see plastered all over the community. Let’s reach everyone we can. Please check out their site, HeadsUpGuys their resources, their recovery stories, and share their name with as many people as you can.


#chadsday #chadsdayforchange #mensmentalhealth #forchad #creatingawareness #endthestigma #itsoktonotbeok #letstalk #endthesilence #neveralone #headsupguys #mensmentalhealthcanada


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